
Room insulation polystyrene foam

To ensure the possibility of a comfortable stay in the apartment in winter, the owners clad the rooms with insulating coatings, among which sheets of expanded polystyrene were widely used. Microbes, fungi, chemicals, ultraviolet rays and other environmental factors are unable to destroy the internal structure of their material.

How to make an original pendant from a regular spoon

Even from an ordinary metal spoon you can make a beautiful and original pendant that will help emphasize your personality. And also such a craft is an excellent DIY gift to a friend or family member. For this homemade product you will need a regular teaspoon (preferably made of stainless steel), as well as a picture that will be used as a template.

Simple do-it-yourself tape dispenser

There is probably nothing more tedious and annoying than looking for a cut-off end on a roll of adhesive tape. Occupation is not one of the most exciting. Especially in artificial lighting. Dispenser for scotch tape - not a thing that is necessary, but with it it’s better than picking a roll with your nails (if there are any!)

Clothes dryer for fastening from plastic pipes

Make a portable clothes dryer that is mounted on the stairs of the motorhome and has many indisputable advantages: 1. It is very durable and takes up little space, and you can hang a lot of clothes on it, especially using hangers and clothespins. There are even small hooks at the bottom of the dryer to hang shoes or small items.

Production of earthen bricks

The cheapest building material that you can prepare yourself is earthen brick, earthbit. The undoubted advantage of earthen bricks is their cheapness, environmental friendliness, and availability for production - the material for them lies literally underfoot. Zembit is the best suited for individual construction, in the construction of utility, or even residential premises.

Ceiling Punch Nozzle

Driving nails into the ceiling is not an easy task, especially if you do it with a heavy hammer. And in this case, a simple homemade nozzle for a punch is useful. You can make it from the old drill. What is remarkable about this homemade product is that when it is used, there is no load on the perf. Maneuvers with a puncher may seem uncomfortable to someone, but in any case it is easier than trying to hit the nails with a heavy hammer.

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Fencing garden table

Garden furniture is always relevant for those who have at least a small garden area at their disposal. And it is not always advisable to buy ready-made models. Moreover, simple options can be done with your own hands. For example, a garden table made of picket fence. This will require a small set of tools and materials.

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Decor flower pots with viscose napkins

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Simple woodworking tool

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Hairpins "Butterflies"

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Beautiful aster for mom

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Dried bananas - a healthy treat

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Homemade wooden "feeder" for a large dog

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How to make a portable battery-powered compressor

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Delicious Christmas Decor

Decorating a house for Christmas is not only an American tradition, it is also popular with us. The most interesting thing is to do the decor with your own hands. Felt is very convenient for modeling material and it is very simple to make such holiday sweets from it. To make sweets and a cup, you will need the following tools and materials: - 3 sheets of felt of different colors: red, white, pink; - an empty tin can; - a small package of any cotton wool; - gold threads metallized; - paper or cardboard for blanks; - pencil and ruler, dry soap; - scissors of 2 types - ordinary and with rounded tips; - needles, pins; - black tape, double-sided tape or glue.