Watercolor drawing


Today’s issue is watercolor drawing. Many, when faced with watercolor, prefer to bypass it, as this paint is fluid and incredibly difficult to cope with. However, do not be scared. As they say, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted.
In order to create a watercolor drawing you will need:
- pencil and eraser;
- brushes - it is best to take brushes from artificial material (synthetic) and different "calibers";
- two sheets of paper - one for drawing, the second - to try paint. It is advisable that she be specialized in watercolors;
- a can of water;
- tablet for drawing. If you want to make a watercolor drawing using the "raw" technique, then it is better to take glass, since the moistened sheet of paper will fit more tightly to it and will not dry longer. In addition, a sponge is needed for this technique to wet the format;
- masking tape or digging to fix the format on the tablet. I prefer masking tape, as it holds well, does not spoil paper and is convenient to use;
- and, of course, you need a palette. Where would an artist be without her?
Now let's get started. First you need to sketch a drawing on a piece of paper with a pencil and eraser. I decided to draw a flower:

Now we take up the watercolor. It is important to act correctly and often change the water. What does it mean to act correctly? Holding the brush, you need not just "dipped - dipped in paint - poked on paper." You need to thoroughly moisten the brush, without pressing it to draw paint, moisten it again in water and only now you can start drawing on paper.
It’s best to start with the basic elements of a key object. For example, I was the first to draw an inflorescence. First I took the main color - orange, and then added lemon yellow and mixed the colors, getting rid of the effect of clear borders.

In the same way, I draw all the leaves and background.

In order for the paint not to spread over the sheet and not to mix together unnecessarily, you just need to remember one rule: you need to draw the image border smoothly without taking your hands off and before you start applying the paint on the other side of the border, you need to let it dry first. However, it’s not worth worrying if the paints are mixed, since the watercolor is beautiful and that any flaw in it is beautiful and can be fulfilled at any time in the process of creating a drawing.

Now you can refine the background. Do not immediately try to make it perfect. It is important to apply only basic paints. Small details should be avoided, especially if they should be clear.

So, my flower is painted, the background is applied. It remains only to fix some blots, flaws, add dark colors in places, remove the tape and modify the corners. Everything is ready.

Lastly, I want to say that, like any art, watercolor requires constant exercise. But, at the same time, it is not so difficult to master this technique. First of all, for the execution of watercolor drawings, you need to have patience and humility. For what - you will understand by starting to draw.
So, I wish you success!


Watch the video: Watercolor painting for beginners mountain landscape easy (October 2024).