Underwater Adventures of Paper Lamp


Once upon a time there was a simple shade of tissue paper on a shelf of a store and he dreamed of being transformed. And once he was taken to decorate a nursery. Kids, as you know, love everything bright and magical, so it was decided that the flashlight would turn into an aquarium.
The materials required were the simplest:
• cheap paper shade,
• paints: watercolor and gouache,
• brushes of different thicknesses,
• funny napkin with fish,
• PVA glue (you can take a special one for decoupage),
• scissors,
• water.

To begin with, we need to assemble our ceiling so that it is more convenient to paint.

Next, on the palette we breed several shades of blue, cyan, violet and green. In general, all marine colors.

Now we need a wide and soft brush, which we apply the lightest shades of blue and blue. In such flashlights inside there are metal guides that support its shape. Along them we will draw waves. Smears should be free and wide. It is most convenient to twist the flashlight around its axis and apply paint. Do not be afraid to go beyond the outlines.

The paper is so delicate that when you draw the lower stripes, the upper part is already dry. Now we take a thinner brush and draw more waves in bright color. At first it will be blue curls.

Then violet.

And in the final - cold greens.

Light negligence is welcome. Now leave our ceiling to dry and proceed to decoupage. Two unpainted layers are separated from the three-layer napkin. We will not need them.

Now we carefully tear off the individual elements of the picture: the uneven edge sticks better and merges with the base base.

Estimate approximately how you will distribute the fish so that the final result looks harmonious. Next, we dilute the PVA glue about 1: 2 and begin to gently glue the pieces of the napkin.

Try to do this so that air bubbles do not accumulate under the paper, and it does not roll down.

It is better to glue the fish not in even rows, but as if they are actually diving in cheerful waves. After all the fish are in the aquarium, you can add the finishing touches. Since the waves were already painted on my napkin, I decided to add some more waves with gouache. Of course, if you have a desire or you did not find such napkins, you can draw the marine inhabitants yourself.

We hang the finished lamp in the room and turn on the light. And in the room real magic begins and beautiful fishes swim in the azure-turquoise sea.

In general, decorating paper lights is really fun and easy. You can use simpler techniques. For example, a flashlight painted with different shades of green and purple. In its creation, textured paper was used, the structure of which we emphasized with color.

Fluorescent figures that glow beautifully in the dark were glued on top.


Watch the video: Microsoft MakeCode. Adventure Time DIY Lamp. Cartoon Network (October 2024).