Santa Claus crocheted


Both adults and children love New Year's celebrations. At this time, it is customary to decorate your house with toys and Christmas tree branches, as well as to put figures of Santa Claus and a snow maiden near the Christmas tree. A figurine of Santa Claus can be bought at a store or on sale for the new year, but you can make such a charming grandfather with your own hands. What is required for this? Little. Just basic crochet and thread skills, well, and a bit of time (about two hours and a half). So, we will prepare everything you need for work.
We will need: knitting threads white and red (you can take acrylic or cotton), a hook of the right size (we will take number 2), threads and a needle for stitching parts, filler, copper or aluminum wire for hands and staff, glue ", yellow threads for making a staff and a gift bag, two beads for the eyes.
Step one. We knit the head.
We begin our work with head bandages. To do this, we knit two VP together (air loops) and begin to knit in a circle when the head reaches 5 cm, reduce the loops and make such a circle like in the photo.

Step Two Making the torso.
The body of the toy is as easy to make as the head. To do this, take red threads, knit two VP, start knitting in a circle and after 1 cm add loops. As a result, we get such a torso that looks something like a bell.

Please note that the bottom of our bell also needs to be closed. To do this, we knit a circle of red thread with a diameter of the lower circumference of the trunk and sew them together.
As a result, we have both a trunk and a head, but it is too early to sew them together.

Step Three We knit hands and mittens.
Next, you need to make two hands of our future Santa Claus with mittens. We start knitting with a red thread, we knit 12 loops of air, we close it in a circle and we knit about 4-5 cm along it. Then we change the thread from red to white, we knit another 2 cm and close our knitting with a neat semicircle.

Step Four We connect the body and arms.
To make a real fur coat for Santa Claus, you need to use a hook and white threads to tie a strip of white threads on his body along the length of the lower circle and where the fur coat is fastened. We have the following.

Now you need to connect your hands and torso. But before that it is necessary to make the arms bend. Therefore, we take the wire and insert it into the place of future hands.

Then we stuff our hands with filler (cotton or something else) and insert them into the right places. Sew hands to the body with ordinary threads.

Step Five Sew the head with a cap to the body.
It’s time for us to sew the head to the body, but first of all we’ll make our grandfather frost a hat of red thread. To do this, we knit 15 VP, then we go in a circle and after 3-4 cm we close the knitting. You can attach a pompom to the cap.
Sew the hat to the head with ordinary threads, and then sew the head to the body. It turns out the following.

Our toy already looks like Santa Claus, however, it lacks a beard, mustache, eyes, legs, a staff and a bag of gifts.
Step Six We make a staff.
A magic staff for Santa Claus is a very necessary thing in the household. And to make it easy enough. To do this, take the wire of the desired length, coat it with glue and begin to wind the yellow thread onto the staff. Then we bend the top of the staff, and the following is obtained.

Seventh step. Beard, eyes and nose.
To tie a beard for Santa Claus is very simple. To do this, take white threads and knit a chain of 10 VP. In the next row we make columns with 3 double crochets. That's the whole beard. We make a mustache in a similar way, not from 10 loops, but from 4.
We sew the beard and mustache to the face of the toy, choose a place for the eyes, sew the beads with black thread, then we thread the white thread into the needle and make a thickening of the threads instead of the nose.
For beauty, you can embroider the same white thread of snowflakes on the body of Santa Claus.
We get an almost finished toy, in which hands move.

Backwardness do little: boots and a bag with gifts.
Step Eight. We knit boots and a bag for gifts.
Knit boots is easy. We take white threads, we knit 2 VP, then we knit 6-7 cm in a circle, close the knitting, we get a white “sausage” of threads, make another one, sew the legs to the body of our toy.
Then we take white threads and, using ordinary knitting in a circle, we make a bag 7-8 cm high, we attach the straps of threads on top of it and our grandfather is ready for frost.
Look how beautiful and New Year it turned out.

Good luck in your work!


Watch the video: Santa Claus Tejido a crochet paso a paso (October 2024).