Creative gift wrapping paper


Beautiful packaging is one of the main components of a surprise. It is not necessary to go to a special store, in order to buy wrapping paper, you can make excellent packaging yourself. To do this, you will need: kraft paper, a marker and a great desire to make a loved one enjoyable!
1. We take kraft paper and iron it through a handkerchief or gauze.

2. With a red marker we begin to draw a rose: we draw two commas opposite each other.

3. We continue to draw roses.

4. "Commas" redraw to petals. The first rose is ready.

5. We draw the second rose just below the first.

6. We continue to draw roses in a checkerboard pattern.

7.Fill the whole craft paper with flowers.

8. The original wrapping paper is ready! It remains only to pack a gift.

The original packaging can be supplemented with a tag with congratulations or rewound with "string". It will look creative, but at the same time stylish.


Watch the video: 22 SIMPLE GIFT WRAPPING IDEAS (October 2024).