100 reasons why I love you


In this master class, you will learn how to decorate a jar with pleasant notes about, for example, love.
To create a jar of notes, take the following materials and tools:
  • - a round glass jar;
  • - lace tape;
  • - white cotton thick thread;
  • - red felt 3 mm thick;
  • - colored paper for printing red A4;
  • - A4 thin cardboard;
  • - halves of pearl beads;
  • - scissors;
  • - scissors with a curly edge;
  • - needle and white thread;
  • - Transparent universal adhesive "Dragon".

For notes "100 Reasons Why I Love You," think up and type the text. If fantasy fails - find the text on the Internet. Format the text as follows: put the font Monotype Corsiva in size 16, the paragraph with an interval before and after 36. Print the text on colored paper in red.

Scissor the text into strips.

As you drag the paper stripes along the scissors blade, twist the stripes with the text inside.

Fold each strip into a scroll and tie a white cotton thread into a knot.

Decorate the lid of the can. To do this, draw a circle on the red felt, circling the handle of the can lid. Cut a circle.

Glue the felt circle onto the lid of the can using transparent universal glue. Draw on a felt a rectangle with a width of more than the height of the cover and a length equal to the perimeter of the cover. Apply transparent glue to the rectangle.

Glue a strip of felt to the side of the cover. The joint of felt can be temporarily fixed with a clothespin.

Decorate the side of the cover with a cut-off lace ribbon.

Close the connection strip of the two parts of felt by gluing halves of beads on it.

On the mother-of-pearl thin cardboard, print labels for the jar with the words "100 reasons why I love you." Cut labels with curly scissors.

Form a flower from the rest of the lace. Decorate its middle with a bead.

Glue it in the center of the lid and the jar of love notes for Valentine's Day is ready!

The texts of such jars can be addressed not only to your soulmate, but also to a friend, girlfriend, sister and mother. Such an original gift will surely please everyone.


Watch the video: MY SEVEN WORDS TITLE: My 100 Reasons Why I Love You (January 2025).